Membership Selection

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SAPICS Corporate Membership - Package 2
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes 8 member slot(s)

A SAPICS Corporate Membership demonstrates that your organisation is clearly committed to advancing supply chain growth and development. These businesses understand that in order to thrive in today's VUCA environment it is no longer enough to embrace the core elements of supply chain management, but they must focus on creating future-proof, agile and competitive supply chains. Alignment with SAPICS validates that your organisation actively promotes Supply Chain improvement initiatives and skills development, this in turn, attracts like-minded clients and partnerships, it also signifies to potential future employees that your organisations are leaders in Supply Chain Management, thus making your organisation appealing to work for.

  • Branding:
  • Credibility as an Employer that supports Supply Chain Professional Development
  • Website logo and profile 
  • 4 social media posts during the 12 months of active membership
  • Mention in the annual SAPICS Ezine 
  • Logo on the Corporate Partner banner at the Annual SAPICS Conference 


  • Membership:
  • 8SAPICS Individual Members - click here to view the benefits
  • Website articles on Thought Leadership which will be loaded on the SAPICS Members Resources platform and highlighted on social media
  • Access to the SAPICS Career Centre for recruitment


  • Events:
  • R1,000 excl. VAT discount for up to 5 delegates to the SAPICS Annual Conference registration fees, at the rate at the time of booking 
  • Opportunity to host a site visit or webinar
  • 1 Standard SAPICS conference Registration (Valued at R10 000)
  • Support Sponsorship at the SAPICS Spring Conference (Valued at R10 000)


R 51,750 Incl VAT valid for 1 year

R 0
Total Due:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

SAPICS membership will only be refunded if the member is deceased. SAPICS membership may be transferred to another team member or colleague, if a member leaves the country. No refunds or transferring of ASCM membership is possible once it has been activated.