All fully paid SAPICS members recorded as voting members on the SAPICS membership database (Register of Members) are hereby notified of their right to nominate a registered voting member (s) for election to these positions of Director of SAPICS.
There are TWO vacancies for election to the SAPICS Board of Directors.
To appear on the ballot, a Nominee must be a fully paid-up voting member of SAPICS and recorded as such in the Register of Members on both the date of nomination and the date of the Annual General Meeting.
If you wish to serve SAPICS as a Director, please complete and return the attached form together with the information requested below by the 15th April 2025.
Accompanying the form, please submit a brief, 100-word, paragraph outlining how he/she can contribute in service to the Board of Directors of SAPICS together with a photo (head and shoulders, colour)
Please complete this form and return it to Clare Fincham at SAPICS via email . If you need any information on the requirements of a SAPICS Board Member, please contact Clare on 073 613 3670.
There is no cost to attend.
SAPICS looks forward to your engagement.